Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Never forgotten. Brandon Granthon.

Loyalty, respect and friendship. Three things I can always say i learned from him. Unconditional loyalty, unconditional respect, unconditional friendship. Always unconditional. The very first time we met we never knew we'd end up the great friends we were. But we were. One morning the world i knew with him was over. On May 5, 2009 my best friend Brandon Granthon was killed by the hands of someone else. Although the main person involved is now serving life in prison and a very recent trial sentenced another involved to life as well, I didn't get my friend back. I have lost the meaning of "justice being served."
The point of this particular blog is to just remind the world of a great man, friend, brother and son Brandon was. He didn't only teach me things but the community around him. He was a very special person and i can only pray that my children will come across someone else as special and unique as him. No matter what the media says or judges unveil i will always love Brandon from the bottom of my heart.
So heres to you Bff =) ill make sure they don't forget.

R.I.P Brandon Granthon


  1. I'm so sorry to read about your dear friend, Brandon passing. Very few things seem as justice when we lose someone we admire, love and appreciate in a reckless way! I've said "farewell until we meet again" to too many friends.

    1. I miss him dearly. But in an odd way we were born to die. It sucks,
