Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Weekend/Throwback Thursday

The week is already almost over. I cant believe it. I had a good weekend. Very good. I spent most of it enjoying life, reading, painting.. spending time with mi love. I start my new job next week, which I am very excited about. I am not excited however to be awake at 4 am every morning just to make sure I leave on time. But hey. You gotta do what you gotta do. 

Mi hermana y Madre celebrating her birthday!

My boyfriend spent the day with me at the Art Festival that was in town for the weekend. we saw some interesting animals.

You cant go to an art fest and not paint. It was really cool. All you do is buy the item and paint for free. They had tons of colors. My boyfriend painted this mask which ended up being waay cool. 

I painted this skull and snake. I had a lot of fun. Probably my coolest piece yet.. and I say I am no good at painting. 

This bug i found.. 

This yummy concoction is a protein shake with powder, oatmeal, honey and banana. AMAZING.

I didn't forget.. it is indeed Thursday. So here is the throwback jam of the week:

Nelly Furtado - Im like a

No matter how much fun we made of this song its a hit. lol


  1. It is true! I'm like a bird...that song is so old but still a hit!

  2. looks like a great bunch of activities!

  3. Wow. That skull and snake looks like something from an Art Gallery! Very cool!
