I have definitely have been abodning my blog. It is really hard to write everyday and I am never really sure what to write about. Plus with as many jobs and classes as I have, time is really limited. But I would really like to be better at this whole thing and then even get a good group of followers. Im thinking about starting by doing current events that not a lot of people are up to date about. But for now, I am just going to give a brief look into my life the last few months...
December began with the birthday of my niece Zuhailey, whom I adore more than ever! I cannot wait until she is old enough to hang and talk to Titi Harlem!! Shes awesome!
One of the best things to happen over this past month was seeing my mother and baby sister after six long years, they recently relocated from sunny California to cold Virginia. The last time I saw my sister she was 6 years old. She is now 13 and more outspoken than ever. It was awesome being big sister again.
Then I wrapped it up chilling with my ladies!!
Well, there is the briefing on me for the moment. Who knows what the hell im going to write about next But we shall seee!!!!
Thanks for stopping by!
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